As of 1930 there seemed to be a single male on top of the Hotel Victoria site crane next to the control room. There is a heavy police & fire attendance. Could be seen clearly from Albion Street which was blocked off by police.
Last edited by Mark; 5th Jul 20117:28pm. Reason: renamed
its sad that people resort to doing things like this, what could be so bad you want to do something like this, hope the poor guy gets down save and sound
I suggest anyone standing there watching this goes home now. I seen a lad fall, repeat fall years ago in Lairds from a similar height and its not something that leaves your mind quickly.
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.
It's just starting to piss down so maybe he'll change his mind now. I'll second Bert's comment though - having dealt with the aftermath of a fall from height, it's not pretty or pleasant.
Sometimes Police Officers give more than just speeding tickets!
It�s hard to be fit as a fiddle when you�re shaped like a cello!
They have told him he won't be charged if he comes down I think but he is refusing thinking he will be charges with burglary and damage to the crane. (stiched up). It's raining and hard to hear now, he's just standing there.
I hope there is a Negotiator there! This sounds like a Protest. Not a potential suicide, IMO. A person with suicidal Intent would have gone up there in the dead of night and just 'do it'. However, suicidal ideation is a completly 'differant brew'. I'm not going to speculate on whether the guy has S.I or 'on protest'. He should be, i hope he is-being tended to by professionals.
If the guy has been stiched up he will have no trust in the police and is obviously the reason he is asking for a solicitor. Well the rains getting worse and I'm getting hungry so I'm heading off home for some munch and to play dead space 2
please spare a thought for the firefighters, paramedics and yes, even the police(!) who have to stand outside in this rain until a conclusion is met..... hopefully a peaceful one and i agree with rude - suicides "usually" just go and do it without a crowd - hope this follows the normal pattern
verry sad to think that tonight might be his last night on earth a little slip and its over for him but what about the people he leaves behind if he jumps or falls its them who have to live with his death even all the people rubbernecking will feel sick and will never get the image of him falling to his untimely death its not just him who needs help its also family members and the people trying to get him down he is verry selfish in my eyes
he may be lapping up all the attention hoping people will feel sorry for him but sorry in my eyes this person when or if he comes down alive should be locked in a loopy home and the key lobed away for a long time if he is going to jump i believe that he would ov done it by now lets face it he must have his family in tears now
There's a lot of people out there living on the sharp edge of the sanity razor...let's assume this guy is one of them. You don't climb a crane to just say 'poor widdle me'...I hope that when they get him down (alive please) that he gets the help he needs. Let's not assume that we know the entire story.
well thats up to the courts to decide on weather he did it or not dsnt give him the rights to put other peopples lives at risk by the poor people trying to help him how many people would have to live with that image ov him plumiting to the ground and hearing the thud of humain life ending
well thats up to the courts to decide on weather he did it or not dsnt give him the rights to put other peopples lives at risk by the poor people trying to help him how many people would have to live with that image ov him plumiting to the ground and hearing the thud of humain life ending
We live with you decimating the English language don't we?
there are some sick people out there, as people have said, if he did jump they would run a mile, just so they can say to there mates in work I WAS THERE I SEEN IT ALL,
There's all too much of this going on lately, I know it happens all the time. But...Maybe it just seems like alot more because it's brought to our attention. Gotta be at the bottom of the barrell to think that this is the route to go. It's the families I feel for Hope there's someone able to talk him round.
i personaly have witnesed a couple of jumpers when i lived on the woody eastate the sound will never leave your head and the sight ov a person plumiting to there death is so sickening my advice to all you rubberneckers is simple go home and then you will be able to sleep otherwise nightmares for a long time playing over in your mind
well thats up to the courts to decide on weather he did it or not dsnt give him the rights to put other peopples lives at risk by the poor people trying to help him how many people would have to live with that image ov him plumiting to the ground and hearing the thud of humain life ending
We live with you decimating the English language don't we?
Just been past on the way home from a mates house and he is still there. Must be soaked to the skin and freezing cold. I was only out for ten minutes and I am.
I can hear the MerPol helicopter. I do hope it's not over him. Wet surface + rain + sea breeze + downdraft = mess
Why ask for a Solicitor now though? If it's got to the stage where he's been questioned or charged over it he would have had one anyway. He's had ample opportunity to name the person who allegedly did commit the supposed crime. Failing that, there would be ample opportunity at the Mag's or Crown to speak to the Duty Sol or even tell the Magistrate/Judge/CPS so that further investigation can be carried out
Sometimes Police Officers give more than just speeding tickets!
It�s hard to be fit as a fiddle when you�re shaped like a cello!
He's still alive AFAIK. Some of us deal with stuff like this day in & day out so have "gallows humour".
I have to say I think it's a daft thing to do - there are better and easier ways to get your point across without putting yourself and others at risk. Do I want him to fall/jump? No! That would be unfair on his family and those that have to clear up the mess.
If I'm perceived as insensitive because of that, so be it. I stand by my views. It's very easy to be "pink & fluffy" about things when you don't actually have to deal with them first hand (no that's not a dig at you Rude). I don't do "pink & fluffy", I do reality.
Sometimes Police Officers give more than just speeding tickets!
It�s hard to be fit as a fiddle when you�re shaped like a cello!
We ask where possible to remain sensitive to members / family's feelings. But this is a New Forum and we can report on what we have seen, not hear say. Only when the facts are known can an opinion be formed. Local new is Local News. Local News will always be a sensitive forum, this doesn't mean we cant report what we see. If we dont then were not a news forum.
I have re-opended this topic for now. There have been several reported posts about the insensitivity with in this Topic / Forum. This Topic will be reviewed and any Notified posts deemed justified will have accounts suspended.
There is one whole follow on thread that has been removed from the forum for review. Please allow up to 24hrs for the review to be actioned.
Please keep this on topic and just remember you may even know a family or friend that is effected by any of the local news / street news stories.
Remember especially in this forum respectful opinions are welcome, its not really the place for jokes!
A colleague of mine has represented the youth who was on the crane in the past. Obviously I cannot and will not divulge names and/or details but suffice to say that this chap does indeed have some issues that need addressing.
Troubled is the word, not a bad kid.
I'm extremely glad he did not fall or slip from the crane, which was a distinct possibility given the high winds and driving rain from yesterday evening.
Have you heard the way some people supposedly from the Wirral speak lately? It's worse than a Scouse accent!! It's as if they are trying to "Out Scouse" the Scousers. It's my "fingernails down a blackboard". Really grates on me. Some North Wales border accents are similar.
Sometimes Police Officers give more than just speeding tickets!
It�s hard to be fit as a fiddle when you�re shaped like a cello!
So he is suspected of assault and burglary which, for some reason, made his "unstable" and climb a crane. Of course, I can see why members here want to support the poor soul. In fact, we should get behind the poor burgular who was hurt in Rodney Street.