As I replied on the Parking Warden thread, they are issuing roughly 1000 PCNs per month, totalling about half a million pounds in 2023. Even though that is ridiculous, its not even touching the sides of the overall problem.
I don't like the way the council makes surrounding areas to pay-carparks no parking using the guise of road safety, at least one such road had no premises on it but had double yellow throughout. I strongly disagree with Birkenhead controlled zone, much of it is our business zone. Punishing people unnecessarily going to work doesn't gel with me. If every councillor went to council meetings and events by public transport at their own cost then I'd be more lenient but they aren't prepared to swallow their own medicine so shouldn't dish it out.
Totally agree on the Bebington Road Tesco, I hate driving in or out of that car park, people doing the weirdest of things because they are in a hurry.
No PCN's have been issued for Bebington Road between Jan 2022 and Mar 2024.
You can report parking problem areas to the Council but if its anything like Egremont Prom the wardens go at the wrong time of day so give as much detail as possible if you can.