Can anyone help me with identifying what type of tree that is planted along the Borough Road border of Birkenhead Central Library.
I initially thought it was a type of Ash, or possibly Willow, but the leaves look kind of feathery, and are turning the most beautiful auburn colour at the moment.
I still haven't worked out what these trees are, but I have noticed more of them, planted alongside the footpath between the petrol station & MacDonalds at Upton Sainsburys.
if u can post a picture up ill be able to identify it for you
Embarrassingly, I'm not that technically proficient!
Originally Posted by Handbag
If the leaves are feathery and turning orange or red colours it could be a type of Rowan tree. Theyre well known for their coloured leaves.
There are some Rowan trees there, but the majority, whilst similar, are more feathery & delicate looking. I've tried googling, and {black} walnut looks promising, but I can't find a good enough image to be certain.
The more I look at them, I do think they are some sort of willow - possibly a hybrid?
Anyway, the leaves are just starting to turn into autumn colour, so if you are passing, give them a glance - they are particularly beautiful at this time of year.
I was just noticing today how many trees are starting to yellow, seems a bit early considering the weather, but some nights are getting quite cooler which is probably the trigger.
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