Does anyone have any info on the series of small and not so small quarries in Tranmere and Rock Ferry. The ones I know of are on Holt Hill (2) perhaps three. The former Charlie Lanes scrapyard and another along Old Chester Road Between Sidney Road and Mersey Mount ? When were they first and last worked, did the stone have a particular use any archive photos ?
Not sure if this should be a separate thread but what was the name of the school now long gone adjacent to the equally long gone tower blocks at Mersey Mount - any of its history known ?
there is a book in birkenhead libary THE HIGH LIGHTS OF TRANMERE that has all the info on the quarries you are asking about, The school you are asking about was St Lukes school, it was behind St Lukes church as you walked up the steps between the school and mersey mount, prior to the tower blocks been built in the late 50s early 60s Mersey mount was allotments. At the top of the allotments just before you entered the park was the air cadets huts, one on each side of the road.
Ships that pass in the night, seldom seen and soon forgoten
You should be able to get a copy of Sidelights on Tranmere straight from the publishers, Countyvise - who are based in Appin Road, Birkenhead and have an Internet sales service. They also operate as Birkenhead Press. Try or just do a Google search to find them. Sidelights on Tranmere is an excellent book.
Yes, that's the book; well worth getting for the in-depth history of Tranmere. It doesn't tell you much about the quarries though. This extract is about all there is.