Well mike ripped them off charged them twice, when the lad drove of im his car i said to mike still at it are you, he thought i was being nice he said Grrr of a job diesel all over me, i said serves you right for ripping people of.
he said the watchdog edited programme to make him look bad, i lauged at him and said so they made you say what you said and made you rip people of, i said to him i just made a phone call and a few people are coming now to see him, the fat Grrr then picked up his chair he was sitting on threw it in his boot and drove of fast.
The people who called him did not know, until a neighbor told him, by them it was too late he had been paid twice.
He is going to contact watchdog and trading standards.
Lol I thought I seen him the other week as I was coming in Seymour road he was leaving. Got a good idea who called him (blue car) is there car sorted now ?