Old print of the Red Noses in New Brighton. This would be about where the Cliff flats are now. Some of the old houses in the background are still there
This was discussed previously in THIS thread. published 1842 so very good guess.
The original drawing/illustration/engraving was by Bartlett but may have been coloured by someone else whose name I forget. I think there was some evidence it may have been the other way round. So I don't think I mentioned it on that thread.
We don't do charity in Germany, we pay taxes. Charity is a failure of governments' responsibilities - Henning Wehn
Don't forget this is only an illustration, not a photograph. There is quite a degree of artistic licence.
The slopes on the fort wall are out of proportion, I think the following may also be true .....
The rock on the right hand side of the picture looks like it has been turned almost 90 degrees compared to other early pictures. It looks similar to the side of the rock but in this picture it is shown as the promontory.
There is also something wrong on the placement of the houses.
We don't do charity in Germany, we pay taxes. Charity is a failure of governments' responsibilities - Henning Wehn
This was discussed previously in THIS thread. published 1842 so very good guess.
The original drawing/illustration/engraving was by Bartlett but may have been coloured by someone else whose name I forget. I think there was some evidence it may have been the other way round. So I don't think I mentioned it on that thread.
The book, in two volumes, was not printed in colour. The books were often broken apart and the prints then hand water-coloured to make them more atractive for framing. I have the print uploaded and there is no indication of who tinted it in the hundred years before I bought it. The colouring is pretty crude compared to some I have. The book is on Google Books, with a very flowery description of New Brighton by William Beattie!