Hi Everybody. I am trying to find any info on the shops at 106 to 112 Bentinck St, between Bright & Fox streets. Back in the early 1900's my Great Aunt was trading as "Ada Jones - Grocer", according to Kellys and Gores. She died in 1921 but some of her relatives continued to live above a couple of the shops. One, Thomas Dundas, was at 106 until he died in 1964, I imagine this was not long before the area was cleared and left in the sorry state it is now. The other family was Thomas Wilson and his wife Mary Jane. They were there at least until 1934, probably longer. I doubt that they would be remembered now but I am still searching for any photos of the shops before they were demolished. Can anyone help please? Many thanks, Roger Wilson...
There is some comments about the area in the history section of wiki, I lived in that area but I don't remember which side the numbers were, as one side up wards had Maggie Lee's grocer, opposite a green grocers, I remember George the barbers further up, as fish shop some other shops but faded memories have intervened
I would be interested in any pictures as well. My grandmother's family lived opposite in 103 Bentinck St for many years until they moved in 1910 to Station Rd (the McCanns)
Have a look at the Lowther, Fox and Craven St. topic on this site https://www.wikiwirral.co.uk/forums/ubbthreads.php/topics/676439/1.html Because of the location of the streets, Bentnick St. gets mentioned as well. There are plenty of photographs which may include what you are looking for.
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So i don't see how were a capitalistic organisation were the cost of a membership is only £4
Originally Posted by Capt_America
So we have to pay now to see images?
Yes you do, only in the history sections, you can see images around the forums without a membership. By upgrading your account is also enhanced with the ability to have more private messages and upload more images anywhere on our forums.
Just to add the one or two that have complained I have x10 private message saying its an amazing site and a fantastic resource. And £4 is nothing for a resource as strong as ours.
If £4 a month seems too expensive, buy a year's subscription for £15; that's £1.25 a month. What's that; half a pint of beer? I don't know what it costs to run this site but it's surely not free, aside from all the work involved.
The thing that's annoyed me is Why was there no explanation or discussion about the proposed cost, suddenly one day you can't see the photographs that you had been looking at previously or indeed had been posted by yourself, seems a bit one sided to me.
Thanks Dereck and all who replied. It seems pics of Bentinck St are rarer than rocking horse poo! I've now subscribed so I can view images on WikiWirral and will continue to search. Thanks, Roger..