Must of been a blooming big manor, that looks very high up.
would like to see a picture of the manor.
Bck in the days of civilized people and non over population, you can see people enjoying themselves in the park having a relaxing day, fat chance of that these days.
Thanks bert Now got a good idea where it was. I wonder if the buildings in the foreground in painting were fronting Birkenhead Park?
The large house just right of centre was called Outwood; it became St Anselm's College in 1933. At the extreme right amongst the trees you can see Cathcart, home to various members of the Laird family.
St Anne's Church spire is on the left, St John's on the right, and the tower of Holy Trinity is just visible right in the centre.
The past editions of the Newsletter of the Birkenhead History Society are a great source of reference , Issue No 84,Page 1( Front) has a fine print of the large Italianate Mansion which was the residence of William Jackson . Inside-page 2 has a Map. All that is left today is a Gate post in Manor Hill - between St. Anselms and Birkenhead High School for girls. Sorry, my computer skills do not stretch to copying the picture and putting it up onto this site . Perhaps somebody at WIKI WIRRAL could give a tutorial on this but it would have to be simply put for my tiny brain to take it in. You may be interested to know that Peter de Loriel is the nearest ancestor of William Jackson and he resides in West London and owns several properties in Kensington & Chelsea.