This isn't local, but the whole country was affected. I've recently obtained a copy of this magazine dated 2 Feb.1901. It was published every Saturday & was pretty 'upper class'. this issue is interesting because it was the first issue after the death of Queen Victoria (well, actually the second; the first was 2 days after, but that had already gone to press). If anyone's interested, I'll post some extracts from it in this thread; it gives a great insight into life at the time.
I would just post it Chris, there are lots of posts in the History section that are not confined to Wirral but have an effect on Wirral, I'll look forward to seeing it and i imagine everyone else will.
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.
I would just post it Chris, there are lots of posts in the History section that are not confined to Wirral but have an effect on Wirral, I'll look forward to seeing it and i imagine everyone else will.
Thanks, Bert; I'll start soon. I've got quite a collection of extracts ready.
Chris, do you realy need to ask mate?? You know we all hang on every word from you `Old Owls` on Wiki.
Post them mate, i have loads of `King and Country` from First World war, telling us all how "The great Tommy Atkins is booting the Kybosh out of old Jerry Hun!", if only the public knew then about the conditions and reality that we know now!
i have loads of `King and Country` from First World war, telling us all how "The great Tommy Atkins is booting the Kybosh out of old Jerry Hun!", if only the public knew then about the conditions and reality that we know now!
Sore point mate, i cant post pics to save my life and lost `our` camera on holiday in Mexico in September, so new one on order for `her indoors` for Xmas! Dont ask to scan as the pages are bigger than A4!!!
Sore point mate, i cant post pics to save my life and lost `our` camera on holiday in Mexico in September, so new one on order for `her indoors` for Xmas! Dont ask to scan as the pages are bigger than A4!!!
Yer sacked!!! Pack ya desk...don't let the door hit on the ass on the way out!!!
OK, a bit of background:(watch out, history lesson coming) Victoria reigned for over 63 years,(so our present Queen has another 6 years to go to catch her up). She was a widow for over 39 years after the death of her beloved Albert & never came out of mourning; she wore black for the rest of her life. This issue of "The Queen" magazine was actually published on Feb.2nd. 1901, which was the date of her funeral. A period of mourning was generally observed in those days, by wearing black clothing. (The nearest we come to it these days is the wearing of a black armband). For families, the period was usually 6 months full mourning & 6 months "half mourning", when the rules were relaxed somewhat. The official Court mourning followed this pattern; I suppose the court were considered members of the Queen's family. The rest of the country was expected to observe a shorter period of mourning: 6 weeks full & 6 weeks half mourning. This explains the large number of adverts in the magazine for mourning dress. I've also included the official notice of Court mourning as published in the London Gazette. Some more cheerful stuff to follow later.
Chris you will remember the same as me everybody had black arm bands on when the late King died. Also you will remember the days when men raised there caps or trilby's when funeral cars passed along the road on there outward journy
Ships that pass in the night, seldom seen and soon forgoten
I recall my parents hammering it into me that when a funeral cortege passed by, you stood still and took your school cap off. If you hadn't got a cap on, you just bowed your head in respect. Some chance of seeing that these days !