I have ben reading some older posts about the smallpox hospital, i live in New Ferry, and i went for a walk on the shorefields today and took some pics of whats left----there's not much! just a post and a bit of wall, there is a plaque on the wall,just thought you may be interested to see-----
glad you like them, i remember the hospital,and i remeber there being an outbreak when i was in primary school, and mum used to tell us to put a scarf over our mouth when going outside because there was smallpox about, after that we all had to be vaccinated at school, i remember it being a suger cube!
I remember my Nan telling me when i was little--many years ago!!-- that when she lived in Seaview [just off Woodhead St,there's a car park there now] that a patient escaped from the hospital and they had to barricade themselves in there houses untill he was caught and taken back, he was caught in Woodhead St----just a bit of history for you! chris.
glad you like them, i remember the hospital,and i remember there being an outbreak when i was in primary school, and mum used to tell us to put a scarf over our mouth when going outside because there was smallpox about, after that we all had to be vaccinated at school, i remember it being a suger cube!
I'm pretty sure the smallpox vaccination was by a scratch on the arm. The sugar cube was for polio I think.
oh yeah that's right, i knew i had a sugar cube for something!! i remember having a needle for something cos i remember my mum taking me and bringing me home and i remember telling my dad i'd had a needle! think i was about 8 or 9, that must of been for smallpox!