Just remembered it wasn't so much a limp but he would slap his right foot down as he walked ...very distinctive ..I remember his surname because I worked in a cash and carry store on Brighton Street (now Ryan's plumbers merchants)so I knew him as Mr Rose...he was a nice man...today's kids would have given him a dogs life and probably rob him blind.
Sooooo, i see the scallies wore wellingtons back in the day of no classics or dr martains. Wonder when the "sock over trouser" fashion came in? Should make the little pricks wear stuff like that these days. It might get rid of the "arrrrr mattteeee, gizzzz aa bifta der laaa" shite they speak!
"arrrrr laaaa, dontttt bee likee daaa kidda, we canntehhh elp it laa, ya get me?"