The dock branch tunnel (Rendel St.) was closed in 1965, so 6 years before the Wallasey tunnel was built. It was probably closed for 2 reasons: 1.the decline of the docks, 2.the delays caused by the traffic lights at the junction.
The dock entrance wasn't too bad when there wasn't much traffic on the roads anyway. As the increase in traffic ballooned they had to shut that entrance as it was indeed causing too much hassle.
Lookin at the third picture down, is that St Saviours church, Oxton on the horizon? If it is I didnt realise you could see it from that side of the hill. There must be fantastic views from the top.
Excellent ! - it's amazing how much has changed since 1990 !
The toll booth has gone with Corporation road junction with Rendel street completely remodelled.
The dishevelled one storey warehouse next to Egerton Dock is now the rather grand Egerton House which was originally refurbished for CEWTEC and is now 2 storeys (was originally a LNWR (London North Western Railway) warehouse and was badly damaged in WW2.
Also there are new roads and new units on the other side of Egerton Dock and of course no sign yet of the Twelve Quays Ro-Ro terminal.
Thanks for the Pictures !!!!
Anybody got similar from 10 years earlier - when I was working in a garage in Cleveland Street...?