Originally Posted by BBC News
About 150 staff are to be cut from Liverpool's home care service.
The city council says its in-house "home helps" are contracted to supply double the amount of care currently needed in the community.

It plans to cut 150 of its 400 staff, but said no compulsory redundancies were expected.

Letters have been sent out to the workers - who help with tasks including cleaning, preparing meals and personal care - offering voluntary redundancy.

About 420 people in Liverpool are helped by the service.

I have to say this is quite disturbing, the home help service is an excellent resource for many disabled and elderly people who without it, simply would not be able to cope.

When I was about 3 or 4, my mum had to have a serious operation and she got home help for a couple of weeks and at the time it was invaluable to her. They only came round and cleaned and made sure washing and stuff was done, but its little things like this that we all take for granted, and that ensure a family/household can continue to operate without problems.

BBC News Report