464 Cottage Loaf, Telegraph Road, Thurstaston
Indexed happy

Description: Cottage Loaf, Telegraph Road, Thurstaston
Attached picture ThurstastonCottageLoafS8003090s.JPG
Whats that near because i dont recognise the name of the road?
North West end of Telegraph Rd is Column Road (Caldy) and other end is Chester High Rd (Gayton)

This junction has Station Rd and Thurstaston Rd as well
464 Cottage Loaf, Telegraph Road, Thurstaston

Attached picture Cottage Loaf Thurstaston   resized.jpg
Used to be a very good restaurant in the 60s and 70s.

Indeed it was. Used to get dragged along there by my mother and her friends for afternoon tea in the 50's during school hols. As well as to the Devon Doorway and the Boat House. At least it has survived. Is it a pub now ?
Posted By: CVCVCV Re: 464 Cottage Loaf, Telegraph Road, Thurstaston - 21st Jul 2011 8:20pm
I'd never set foot in that place again - on a prior trip to UK we took my elderly, disabled parents there for Sunday lunch, we had called to make a reservation but when we got there (on time) a)the managers and staff were all too busy chatting to their pals to take any notice of us and we were simply ignored for a full 10 minutes or so even after I had said 'Excuse me we have a reservation" several times b) when they finally acknowledged our presence, even though by now we are getting on for half an hour after our booked time, they still said we had to wait for people who had just walked in ahead of us (who had NOT made reservations) even though they had empty tables labeled 'reserved' and c) they wouldn't even find a place to let my disabled parents sit down while we waited. Of course my parents and Missus 'didn't want to make a fuss' and so we ate there anyway - but I will never forget how they treated us.
An old picture of the Cottage Loaf, Thurstaston

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